raffle flyer


Update 11/19/21:

2021 Raffle Prize Winners

GRAND PRIZE:  Elissa Barr
1st Prize:  Suzi Pachmayer  

2nd prize: Teresa Atkinson
3rd prize:  Missy Sell 
4th prize:  Home Care by Callos 
5th prize: James Masi
6th prize: Linda Gauer
7th prize: Bill McDowell
8th prize: Maria Catrone 
9th prize: Shannon Perkins 

Raffle total

It's that time of year again! The Direction Home Akron Canton Foundation raffle is officially underway for 2021. Each year the Foundation Raffle raises over $100,000. One hundred percent of the proceeds go to advocacy efforts geared toward influencing public policy for the betterment of older adults. We purchase the prizes with points earned on the Agency credit cards or collect them as generous donations. Purchase tickets today to play your hand at a chance to win a choose your own adventure or gift card! The raffle drawing will be held on November 18, 2021. 

Developed in 1999, the Direction Home Akron Canton Foundation believes that all older adults, regardless of income, deserve to achieve their long-term care goals. We assist in part through the Care Coordination program, as well as through our dedicated advocacy for public policy change.

In Ohio, 77 out of 88 counties have Senior Service Levies to aid in expanding services to older adults. However, none of the four counties Direction Home Akron Canton serves (Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne) benefits from the funding of a Senior Service Levy. A large percentage of the Foundation's funds go directly toward advocacy for older adults and their well-being, including Senior Service Levy efforts.

raffle rules